Personal Project 1

Personal Project 1 8 April, 2019 - 12 July, 2019 (Week 2 - Week 15) Jesslyn Fabryando (0332213) Personal Project 1 RMIT Collaboration 8 April, 2019 (Week 2) On the first day of collaboration, we get to know each other with the RMIT students and moving on into the briefing session by Dr. Li Ping. The theme that were given to us is about 'Cities'. Afterwards, we were asked to write down our names on what we are specialized in. At first, I am decisive of specializing either Audio or Interactive but ended up choosing interactive as I have experience doing coding in other modules. From there, we chose our group members and formed a group called 'Mirrorless'. Group member’s specializations Jesslyn - Interactive Jaslyn - Animation Joel - Video Loui - Audio Umar - 3D modelling Fig.1. Mirrorless group picture On that day itself, we started to think about our concept ideation. We started to brainstorm on possible projects for the given ...