2D animation - Final Project
2D Animation - Final Project
28 May, 2018 - 29 June, 2018 ( Week 10 - Week 14)
Jesslyn Fabryando (0332213)
2D Animation
Lecture 10: Introduction Final project
28 May, 2018 (Week 10)
On the tenth week of class, Mr. Hafiz brief us for our final assignment. We were given a song called 'Us against the world' by cold play. The lyrics were divided for us to animate. There are 2 parts that we were asked to animate. I chose that particular part of the lyrics to be animated.
Part 1:
On the tenth week of class, Mr. Hafiz brief us for our final assignment. We were given a song called 'Us against the world' by cold play. The lyrics were divided for us to animate. There are 2 parts that we were asked to animate. I chose that particular part of the lyrics to be animated.
Part 1:
The tightrope that I'm walking just sways and ties
The devil as he's talking with those angel's eyes
And I just want to be there when the lightning strikes
And the saints go marching in
Part 2:
Through chaos as it swirls
It's us against the world
Through chaos as it swirls
It's us against the world
From the 2 sections lyrics that were divided, on week 11 we were asked to come out with the mood board, concept board, and rough sketches. In figure 1, is my color scheme that I will apply to my animation.
Fig. 1. Mood boards and color scheme 1 |
Fig. 1.1, Color Scheme 2 |
Fig. 2. Concept board |
Fig. 3. Storyboard 1 |
Fig. 3.1. Storyboard 2 |
Fig. 3.2. Storyboard 3 |
Fig. 3.3. Storyboard 4 |
Animatics Storyboard:
Link: https://youtu.be/eG0Iwa9TGDA
2D Animation:
Link: https://youtu.be/ungfqKRVNXY
2D Animation Showreel:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijd_DMnaxKw
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