Design Studies 2: Culture and Consumerism- Assignment 2
Design Studies 2: Culture and Consumerism- Assignment 2 26 April, 2018 - 5 July, 2018 (Week 5 - Week 14) Jesslyn Fabryando (0332213) Design Studies 2: Culture and Consumerism Lecture 5: Culture and Communication 26 April, 2018 (Week 5) On the fifth week of class, Ms. Anis given a lecture about 'Culture and Communication'. Then Ms. Anis mentioned about the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis which relies heavily on the fact that you have to understand a certain language first before understanding the culture itself. Different languages may affect people's thinking, perceiving and behaving toward the world differently because of the different culture. In classic communication theory, communication in broad sense includes all the procedures which one's mind may affect another. As a model of communication there is a loop. Fig. 1. Communication feedback loop diagram Ms. Anis then told us that for us to be more effective in designing, we have to con...